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Director's Message

It would be no exaggeration to say that our 15 years old school has built a reputation, which is synonymous with excellence. Mount Sion School endeavours to provide an environment that encourages growth, fosters creativity, exploration and discovery; broadens student’s intellectual, physical and emotional horizons; which builds a strong spirit of integrity, compassion & generosity.

At Mount Sion School it is our belief that it is at school where children are prepared to face the world. We strive to provide students with a strong and holistic academic foundation one that defines the course of a child’s future.

We the caretakers, facilitators and co-learners, welcome you all to this mindful laboratory of learning- a universe that pulsates with the dreams and aspirations of each pupil that would make a difference to the world we live in, now and beyond!

Mr. Sanjeev Kumar